Need to maintain your CSX-P certification?
What does it mean to be CSX-P certified?
对CSX-P候选人执行网络安全任务的能力进行评估. The 4-hour exam contained no multiple-choice questions or simulations. 候选人必须在多个虚拟机之间导航时,在最少的指导下完成不同持续时间的任务,并期望展示各种技能和工作知识. 一次认证, CSX-P认证持有者通过赚取和报告CPE学分以及支付年度维护费来维持认证.
Enhance your cybersecurity skills with comprehensive training
ISACA offers a variety of cybersecurity resources including group training, self-paced training and study resources in various languages. 我们也有我们的在线参与澳门赌场官方下载,在那里你可以与同行进行网络安全讨论. Choose what works for your schedule and your studying needs.
ISACA 网络安全: Penetration Testing Online Course
ISACA网络安全:渗透测试在线课程为学生提供渗透测试和道德黑客的入门知识. 渗透测试包括使用已定义的方法来破坏系统,以确定系统是否容易受到攻击和利用有价值的信息. 有道德的黑客会揭露漏洞,并确定是否存在未经授权或恶意的活动,以及这些活动可能造成何种程度的伤害. Access your online course and performance-based labs on demand, 24/7. 完成后,您将获得10个CPE.
US$399 Member pricing | US$499 Non-member pricing
ISACA 网络安全: Vulnerability, Identification & 分析在线课程
Identifying vulnerabilities is vital in keeping networks secure. The ISACA 网络安全: Vulnerability, Identification & 分析在线课程教学生如何进行彻底的漏洞分析. 学生将学习如何进行开源研究,以收集有关漏洞和利用的信息. 这项研究将有助于确定在解决系统漏洞时优先考虑什么. Access your online course and performance-based labs on demand, 24/7. 完成后,您将获得10个CPE.
US$399 Member pricing | US$499 Non-member pricing
ISACA 网络安全: Digital Forensics Online Course
ISACA网络安全:数字取证在线课程为学习者提供了对数字取证原理和最佳实践的深刻理解. 在整个课程中, learners will step through the process of conducting a complete investigation. 您将探索数字取证的法律和道德考虑因素,包括监管链. 您还将通过我们基于性能的培训教授的一系列真实世界模拟和练习获得实践经验. Access your online course and performance-based labs on demand, 24/7. You’ll earn 12 CPE upon completion.
US$399 Member pricing | US$499 Non-member pricing
ISACA 网络安全: Threat Hunting Online Course
ISACA网络安全:威胁搜索在线课程指导学习者完成威胁搜索的不同阶段. 在本课程中,您将了解不同类型的网络威胁, how to conduct proactive threat hunting, and how to investigate/回应 to potential incidents. 通过以技能为基础的实验室,您将了解威胁搜索中使用的各种工具和技术,以及如何有效地使用它们. Access your online course and performance-based labs on demand, 24/7. You’ll earn 12 CPE upon completion.
US$399 Member pricing | US$499 Non-member pricing
网络安全基础 Online Review Course
准备现实世界的情况下,这个互动的,自我指导的课程由专家创建. 知识和实践应用的结合提供了真正独特和动态的学习体验,构建并加强了执行IT工作环境所需的许多技术任务所需的关键技能. Access your study materials and performance-based labs on demand, 24/7. 你将获得9分.完成后的CPE.
US$160 Member pricing | US$220 Non-member pricing
网络安全审计证书 Online Course
Ideal for anyone who prefers online, self-guided learning at his or her own pace and convenience, 网络安全审计证书在线课程通过ISACA学习管理系统(LMS)提供。, 通过电脑和高速互联网连接,随时随地提供全天候服务. 它还包括在线前和后评估,以帮助您确定您当前的知识水平, inform you plan of study and identify areas for improvement. 完成后,您将获得10个CPE.
US$649 Member pricing | US$749 Non-member pricing
网络安全基础 Lab Package
建立和加强在在线虚拟培训环境中完成现实世界技术任务所需的关键技能. 一次购买, online labs are accessible for 12 months, 只要你想, 24/7, 无论你身在何处. 你将获得9分.完成后的CPE.
US$136 Member pricing | US$200 Non-member pricing
CSX-P候选人展示了跨越五个安全功能的最低能力-识别, 保护, 检测, 回应, 恢复.The 4-hour exam contained no multiple-choice questions or simulations. 考生必须在多个虚拟机之间导航时,以最少的指导完成不同持续时间的任务.
CSX-P candidates demonstrated an ability to:
- 使用漏洞评估流程和扫描工具集,根据已定义的资产临界性和技术影响来识别和记录漏洞.
- Obtain and aggregate information from multiple sources — for example: logs, 事件数据, network assessments – for use in threat intelligence, 度量事件检测, 和响应.
- Implement specified cybersecurity controls — for network, 应用程序, 端点, 服务器, 并且验证控制是否按照定义的策略或过程的要求进行操作.
- 根据变更管理程序,实施并记录网络安全控制的变更,例如:端点安全和网络安全.
- Identify anomalous activity and potential internal, 外部, 而第三方对网络资源的威胁则采用网络流量监视器或入侵检测和防御系统, as well as ensure timely 检测ion of indicators of compromise.
- Perform initial attack analysis to determine the attack vectors, targets and scope and potential impact.
- Execute defined response plans to contain damage on affected assets.